Saturday, December 31, 2011

Do your kids get all cute when they are in trouble? I thought this was funny?

My children always get cute when they know they are in trouble. My five year old little girl is the worst in the world. She was misbehaving this morning and I asked her to stop doing something and she refused adn kept on. I asked her to stop again or she was going to the corner. She told me to shut up. This is a big no no, I told her to go into her room she was going to have to get a . She got those sad puppy dog eyes and said "Mommy I meant to say Please Shut up." I told her she was to never tell me to shut up and she knew better. She went into her room and I laughed to myself. I finished up it the kitchen and went to her room to find that she had put on seven pairs of Panties to help protect her bottom from the . I wanted to laugh out loud, but I didn't. I just told her she had to take all but one pair off. She did and told me that I could not Dora lol, she had dora panties on. She was trying her best to get out of the , but I still gave her three swats becasue that was the promise. You have to give her an E for Effort though. She is so cute sometimes, I love my girl.

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