Saturday, December 31, 2011

Who would win in a fight?

Dont know commander worf but he sounds evil in my mind this is what happens him/her teams with darth maul to wolverine thinking they killed him they turn on each and start fighting maul wins but is heavily injured then wolverine being fully healed with the healing power forgot the name kills maul with one hit

Will a crawfish prosper and multiply if I released it in a c or storm drain in Fresno, California?

I have a crawfish I want to release, so I am thinking about letting it go in the local c, or storm drain.

PLEASE! someone please HELP me with this RIDICULOUS chemistry problem :'(?

ugh! if this was my homework id be calling a sick day! i was/am horrible at chemistry. wish i could help sry :\

Who can define "Trampling" and "Foot ism"?

Interesting question.... Although I can not formally define these es I can state that es in general are usually very personally defined. Each person has variations of their specific and therefore they can only be defined "generally" instead of specifically. Good for your or voicing your ! Hopefully you've found someone who share the same interests!!!!!

Why can Allah not become a man & enter into His creation?

The problem is, Jesus already entered His creation as a man, and proved there is no Allah, nor Muhammad to represent God. Jesus alone provided the way of salvation, and Islam has no such provision for sin. Christianity is the only way to be saved, and Jesus is the WAY. John 14:6 and Acts 4:12 make this perfectly clear, no matter what the Qu-ran says. Romans 10:9-10 is the only way to be born again, and have eternal life.

Many think salt is poisonous: Is banning salt from food in restaurants a wise move?

Yeah banning solves everything just ask the millions of drug dealers and illegal gun smugglers what they think :/ It would be better to just leave it up to public option if they want to use salt or not.


I once worked for a Hemotologist. He could tell by the blood work if the patient was smoking and how much. He would just shake his head since they normally denied smoking at all. I'm sure it isn't any isn't any good for a healthy person so with Hodgkin Lymphoma it sounds like it could be deadly.

What is causing all the recent school shootings?

in the past years there have been 47 school shootings since Jan 1996, 43 of those have been in the last ten years. in the last five years there has been 15 school shootings, 5 of those happened last year. this year we have had 2. What is causing this out break of violence? is it the fault of the Parents? the Teachers? the Peers of the Shooter? is it caused by stress that is the fault of the School? the Government? what is the underlying cause of these Stand-Alone Complexes?

Which actress is prettier?

None because both shows suck. You seem like an with the way you answered Victoria... and if you're a dude... you are definitely gay.

How do i stop worrying about if my ex is sleeping with someone else?

my wife and i just broke uo after 15 yrs .i love her more than my heart needs blood.she seems to have an 18 yr old friend that comes over to see her.spends time with her alone.she says nothing is going on but others tell me different.i dont know but when she calls everyday of the week than all of a sudden she stops on the weekend.she came over today and she told me she loves me and slept with me.when my our son got ready to take her back home she started yelling like i did something wrong.this gives me bad signals.i take it like she tells me what i want to hear then when its time to go home it seems like she has to be mad at me before she gos for some reason.this is why i think the way i i wrong for getting that feeling?if she is sleeping with this kid i think its easier for he to **** around if she mad.then all i do is worry.cant eat,cant sleep all i do is worry.

How do Evangelical Christians feel about the upcoming Supreme Court's decision on the symbolism of the cross?

I believe it should always be seen in its original context, Jesus dieing on the cross. If this means all the non-Christians' grave sites should have a different symbol so-be-it. Jewish grave sites are marked with a different symbol.

Questions about Pythagoras?

i am doing a research project of the mathematician Pythagoras and i have to choose 3 questions but i cant think of any good ones. can you think of any? best answer gets points!!! thank you.

Have you had the Acts 2:38 experience?


I can feel my heartbeating quite fast in my stomach and i get twinges every now and again, wot does this mean?

im also on chemotherapy and im on tablets to stop my periods whilst on the chemo, iv not had with a boy or done anything with a boy but for some strange reason iv got it in my head that im pregnant and of course i dont see how i can be! my last period was late by 2 weeks and was really heavy due to my medical condition, but why can i feel my heart beating really fast all the time and iv put on weight, im getting worried!!

Helphelphelp please help!!!?

I think that if Nick is a nice guy that you should go out with him. Personally, I hate turning down a guy even if they weren't my crush. If you think he is a decent guy then you should say yes when he asks you out.

Ok im leaving the ninth of march to the army bct. and... i am pretty out of shape.?

My time is 2:42 for one half mile. Push ups and st ups arent a problem its the running. Will that be any problem during basic?

Do your kids get all cute when they are in trouble? I thought this was funny?

My children always get cute when they know they are in trouble. My five year old little girl is the worst in the world. She was misbehaving this morning and I asked her to stop doing something and she refused adn kept on. I asked her to stop again or she was going to the corner. She told me to shut up. This is a big no no, I told her to go into her room she was going to have to get a . She got those sad puppy dog eyes and said "Mommy I meant to say Please Shut up." I told her she was to never tell me to shut up and she knew better. She went into her room and I laughed to myself. I finished up it the kitchen and went to her room to find that she had put on seven pairs of Panties to help protect her bottom from the . I wanted to laugh out loud, but I didn't. I just told her she had to take all but one pair off. She did and told me that I could not Dora lol, she had dora panties on. She was trying her best to get out of the , but I still gave her three swats becasue that was the promise. You have to give her an E for Effort though. She is so cute sometimes, I love my girl.

What is the quickest way to get rid of Canker sores?

you can use salt water (swish around your mouth) or get some canker sore medicine from the drug store or CVS! If you get them often you should switch o special toothpaste!

My 8 Month old Boxer will only pee on concrete!!!?

My boxer foreman will not pee on the dirt mound in the backyard, he insists on peeing on the patio! I need some suggestions to make him learn!!!!

Was sehwag really injured?

I think it was the rift with Dhoni but took the excuse of the injury as that would be the best excuse to cover the whole thing up. India's out now. Sad =[

How is this Joke...........?

Charlie marries a virgin. On their wedding night, he's on fire, and wants some dirty fun so he gets naked, jumps into bed, and immediately begins her. "Charles, I expect you to be as mannerly in bed as you are at the dinner table." So, Charlie folds his hands on his lap and says, "Is this better?" "Much better!" she replies with a smile. "Okay, then," he says, "now will you please p the p*ssy."

Opinoin. . .grammer?its short. . .?

Not bad just a couple of errors... awfully angered, not awfully anger. Also correct a couple of punctuations . And you spelt grammar wrong, I know you did that on purpose.

How can I bring the spark back to my eight year marriage, when my husband refuses to talk about our problems.?

I have been with my husband for 8 years, married almost 6 of those eight. My husband takes me for granted a LOT. Pushes me away when I try to give him affection, and only touches me when its for our few and far between . I am very very very depressed sad and unhappy, but I love him and he is a good father to our kids, I truly want to fix this. I just don't know how... I need a real fix, not a band aid, I am sick of things being better for a few months, then back to the same thing... I just don't know what to do to rekindle our love. He refuses counseling, so that is out...

Unemployment and Pregnant,?

You are probably stressing out and on edge because of hormones. Just let it p. Hang in there. Think of your baby, and try NOT to get fired or quit. IF it happens, you can collect unemployment, but getting fired looks bad on your resume/sticking to it and putting in proper notice after you return from maternity leave sounds like a winner to me...

Dose anyone know if they are fright trains on the Union Pacific Kenosha sub?

Dose anyone know if freight trains use the Union Pacific Kenosha sub (ie the tracks Metra uses for the Union Pacific North Line?) I know that afew use the tracks north of Lake Bluff however I have seen some on the tracks South of Lake Bluff why do you sometimes see freight trains on the Kenosha Sub south Of Lake Bluff?

Going to a movie, do you wear a big hat? Let your cell ring? Expel gas? Hum loudly? Jump on your seat?

Try to imitate Cruise jumping on Oprah's sofa? Cut your toenails? Have with your significant other? Eat the 6-course Chinese dinner you smuggled in under your jacket? Dance in the aisles? Or otherwise make other movie patrons miserable? Is there anything I've missed?

The Trojan war/Mythology help!!?

I am reading about mythology/The Trojan War. and suddenly it says that Zeus remembered a promise he made to Tethis to punish Achilles. Can someone tell me what Achilles did to make Zeus promise this to Tethis?

A screw won't unscrew, how to get it out?

I wanted to take out an old hard drive in my computer but one of the screws won't unscrew. I can keep screwing it eternally to either side, but it doesn't come out. Any tips on how to get it out? I don't have that many tools, pretty much just the one screwdriver, so some way without using tools or something cheap I can buy to get it out would be nice ;)

Do any other Christians (who believe in signs & wonders)?

Do any other Christians who believe in signs and wonders also doubt the preachers who really turn it into a circus show? I mean I believe in healing and signs and wonders and don't believe they died with the apostles, but the preachers on tv like Benny Hinn and that guy from Florida, they seem to attract the attention to themselves more than to Jesus and they make it into a circus. What are your thoughts? And I am asking for the thoughts of Christians. Thank you

Could I use a Westpac bank/Commonwealth bank to send a Bank deposit to "Adelaide bank" ?

I have bought an item off ebay and the seller is from Adelaide (Australia) and I am to pay through Bank Deposit. He is with Adelaide bank and I could not find a branch with that name so would I be able to go to a commonwealth/Westpac bank to send a Bank Deposit to his Branch?